LIVE NOW: Common [CENSORED] Ep.231 Perjury? Nathan Wade joins Fani At Daughter’s Arrest, Brazil Judge Moreas Freezes Starlink’s Assets, NH To Ban Chem Trails, Brian Stelter Returning To CNN
POLITICAL EARTHQUAKE: House Republicans Announce Articles Of Impeachment Against Democrat Activist Illuminati "Judges" (THEY'RE NOT) For Blocking President Trump's Constitutional Duties, AS WELL AS For Criminal Conflicts Of Interest!
ISRAELITES(SO CALLED BLACK MEN) TOOK OVER THE ROMAN EMPIRE FROM 96 AD to 1453 AD….Job 9:24 KJV🕎 1 Maccabees 3:48 “And laid open the book of the law, wherein the heathen had sought to paint the likeness of their images.”