5 months agoThis is what we see in the post-mortem clots of those vaccinated against Covid!Alex7Tumanov
4 months agoColorado State Representative Scott Bottoms talks about how Democrats protect pedophiles!Alex7Tumanov
27 days agoVaccination is a means of spreading diseases and disposing of the stupid population!Alex7Tumanov
4 years agoPositioning for Pentecost 2020 Day 7 of 14 New Wine, Drunk in the Holy Spirit, Outpouring, FreedomNew Song Worship Center
1 month agoRevival-Fire Church Prophetic Worship Live! 01-13-25 Returning Unto God From Our Own Ways-Acts 14RevivalFireChurchVerified
2 months agoRevival-Fire Church Prophetic Worship Live! 12-16-24 Returning Unto God From Our Own Ways-Acts 11RevivalFireChurchVerified
1 year agoUFO on Zentis (mountain in Switzerland) flying into an interdimensional portal!Alex7Tumanov
1 year agoDestruction of the Earth's population through the poisoning of water, sweets and vaccines.Alex7Tumanov