Univ of Oregon: Curious Student Asks Lots of Questions, Female Student Under Conviction, Young Christian Woman Helps Me Minister, Super-Intellectual Student Hits Stumbling Block, Rosemary Joins Me Toward The End, Great Day of Preaching Jesus!
R&B Monthly Seminar: "In Jewish Blood: The Zionist Alliance with Germany, 1933-1963" (Episode #29 -- Monday, December 9th, 2024). ChairMAN: Author MR. Steve Rodan (Jerusalem, ISRAEL)
Top Israeli Ministers Hiding In Bunkers, Iran Notifies UN of Intent To Attack Israel, Speculative Timelines I Created For Tribulation, Rapture, Jesus' Return, Rabbi Weisberg Claims Trump Is The Non Jewish Messiah Who Will Help Jews Rebuild 3rd Temple
UC Santa Barbara: Curious Jew Asks Questions, Agnostic Comes Under Conviction, New Christian Student Helps Me Minister, Muslim Speaks w/ Me At Length But When I Confront Him on Allah Lying, He Refuses To Answer, I Rebuke Him, Crowd Forms, Exalting Jesus!
Florida Atlantic University: Transexual Man and Lesbian Woman Come Under Conviction, Trans Removes His Female Clothes and Dresses In Normal Men's Clothing, Young Black Student Helps Me Minister To Students, Proving the Bible True to Atheists
R&B Monthly Seminar: R&B "In Jewish Blood: The Zionist Alliance with Germany, 1933-1963" (Episode #28 -- Monday, November 11th, 2024). ChairMAN: Author MR. Steve Rodan (Jerusalem, ISRAEL)