1 year agoThe Hearts Center Honors and Empowers the Creativity and Messengership of all HeartfriendsThe Hearts Center CommunityVerified
2 years agoMastering What Is Without, While Focusing on What Is WithinThe Hearts Center CommunityVerified
2 years agoHow to Win Heavenly Friends and Influence People of Light!The Hearts Center CommunityVerified
2 years agoPallas Athena Wields Her Spear of Truth to Counter DarknessThe Hearts Center CommunityVerified
2 years agoHoly Amethyst Blesses and Raises Trinidad and Tobago in the LightThe Hearts Center CommunityVerified
2 years agoThe Living Presence of Love, Freedom and Brotherhood for This TimeThe Hearts Center CommunityVerified
2 years agoMother Mary Shares with Us Her Comforting, Healing Heart and Sings a Melodic AlleluiaThe Hearts Center CommunityVerified
2 years agoMother Mary Comes Unannounced on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception to Comfort and Bless UsThe Hearts Center CommunityVerified
2 years agoThe Buddha of the Diamond Crystal Light Starts an Initiative of a New Age Tree NurseryThe Hearts Center CommunityVerified
1 year agoPaul the Venetian Announces the Ascension of Anita HulburtThe Hearts Center CommunityVerified
2 years agoMagda: Use Mudras Consciously to Integrate and Raise the Energies of the ChakrasThe Hearts Center CommunityVerified
2 years agoHow to Overcome Subconscious Patterns through the Superconscious SelfThe Hearts Center CommunityVerified
2 years agoReading from Dannion Brinkley’s Book, Secrets of the Light, Chapter 10, Truth #1The Hearts Center CommunityVerified
2 years agoStrive Daily to Be an Instrument of God's Blessings to Life through the Gifts of the Holy SpiritThe Hearts Center CommunityVerified
3 years agoLight a Candle for Scandinavia, Europe and the World with Me!The Hearts Center CommunityVerified