Stony Brook Univ: Several One-on-Ones of Students Ready To Get Born Again, I Pray for Them, (Crowd Begins At 1hr13min mark) Later Draw a Large, Calm Crowd, Rebuke a MAGA Trump Student and He Humbles Himself, Preaching On What It Means To Totally Surrender
One Of The Largest Cyber Attacks In History Cripples Iran's Infrastructure, The Anons Drawn Into Deception, St. Germaine Cult & Michael Flynn, Ezekiel 18 Prophetic Word Against The Trump False Prophets That Preach Peace & Prosperity
Yuval Noah Harari | Climate Change & One World Religion | Returning to Mt. Sinai to Introduce 10 Universal Commandments | "A World with Completely Different Laws," & "We Will Rebuild the Temple"
University of Vermont: Even In The Rain, The Holy Spirit Helps Me Draw A Crowd of 30 Students, Lots of Lesbians, Homosexuals, Perverts and Mockers, But One Lesbian Comes Under Major Conviction, I Pass Out Lots of Tracts, Students Raise Hands & Ask Q&a
Mississippi State University: After Preaching Only 30 Minutes My Vocal Cords Crack and Break, I Lose My Voice, Explain to One Student about Judging, Pass Out Lots of Gospel Tracts, Warn Students Of Antichrist Trump and Approaching 7 Year Tribulation