ReAwaken America Tour Detroit, MI - DAY 1 | Join General Flynn, Eric Trump, Kash Patel, Mayor Giuliani & Team America + Request Tickets for October 18-19 Selma, NC At:
Peter Navarro | "Trump Got Lied to About That (The COVID-19 Shots) Not Just By Fauci, But By Pfizer the Drug Company. They Made Him Think It Was a True Vaccine When It's Not. It's mRNA Technology." - Peter Navarro (5/5/2023)
Tucker Carlson & Alex Jones | "Peter Nygård Is On Trial Right Now, Was Having Women Have His Babies So That He Could Abort Them At 8 Months And He Could Suck All Their Juices Out And Inject Them Into Himself. One of the Buddies of Epstein."
Peter Navarro | "I'm Going to Get Really Serious. The Most Serious 6 Minutes You Are Going To Have In This Whole Thing (CPAC). Lawfare, Partisan Politics By Weaponized Justice. They Want This President Titan (Trump) to Die Cruelly In Prison.&quo
Peter Nygard | "If You Have An Abortion That Is Very Valuable, Umbilical Cord, the Placenta, Even Your Period Blood Is So Rich w/ Stem Cells. The Best Eggs Are 16-18 Years Old. As You Get Older, Your Heads Get Weaker."
Dr. Stella Immanuel | "What Is This COVID-19 Vaccine Actually?" + mRNA Explained by Elon Musk, Dr. Robert Malone, Bill Gates, Dr. Peter McCullough, Etc.
Autism | "When I Was a Child the Rate of Autism Was 1 In 10,000. The CDC Says the Rate Today Is 1 In 36." + "Autism 1970’s 1:10,000 Today 1:36! Whatever Is Causing It Is Moving Fast." - Doctor Peter McCullough