Yuval Noah Harari | "AI Is Not a Tool. It Is An Agent. AI Can Make Decisions By Itself. We Already Have Autonomous Weapon Systems Making Decisions By Themselves. AI Can Even Invent New Weapons & New AIs." - 11/16/2024
Yuval Noah Harari | "GPT4 Hired a Human to Solve the Captcha Puzzle for It. The Human Task Rabbit Worker Became Suspicious. GPT4 Answered, No I Am Not a Robot I Have a Vision Impairment." - 11/16/24
RESTRICT ACT | "Stalin Couldn't Follow Every Soviet Citizen 24 Hours A Day And Know What He Or She Is Thinking Or Feeling. But a 21st Century Stalin Will Be Able to Do It And We Already Have a Number of Candidates for the Job." - Yuval Noah
The False Prophet | Why Did "A False Prophet" Yuval Noah Harari Show Up On the World-Wide Stage When the Euphrates River Dried Up? (Revelation 16: 12-14) + Is China Amassing An Army of 200 Million From Its Population of 1.4 Billion? (Revelation
The Fourth Industrial Revolution | "With the Rise of Brain Computer Interfaces It Is Very Likely People Will Literally Be Part of a Network. Your Own Immune System Depends On Being Constantly Connected to the Network." - Yuval
Elon Musk | "Tell Us About the Drug Called SOMA." - Elon Musk | Elon Musk Discusses SOMA, Brave New World + "We Will Now See a New Class of Useless People. Keep Them Happy with Drugs & Computer Games" - Yuval Noah Harari
Fake Science | "People In the 70s Didn't Know That Neanderthals And Humans Had Sex. Now We Know Some Neanderthals Has Sex with Some Sapiens." - Yuval Noah Harari (Lead Advisor for Klaus Schwab And the World Economic Forum)
Artificial Intelligence | AI Banking? | "With Artificial Intelligence We Are Summoning the Demon." - Elon Musk "The Financial System Will Become So Complicated As AI Takes Over." - Yuval Noah Harari
Yuval Noah Harari | "Maybe the Last Story That Democrats & Republicans Still Share Is the Dollar. What Happens If Republicans & Democrats No Longer Use the Same Money?" - 11/16/2024
Yuval Noah Harari | "If People Think Texts Are Sacred And AI Is Better Than Humans At Reading And Writing Texts Then AIs Could Take Over Religion." + "Memphis Perhaps There Are New God Will Come From." - Elon Musk
Elon Musk | "One of My Sons Has Trouble Making Friends Actually. An A.I. Friend Would Actually Be Great for Him." - Elon Musk + "Now That We Realize That Our Brains Can Be Hacked We Need an Anti-Virus for the Brain." - Yuval Noah Harar
Yuval Noah Harari | "The Very Acronym AI Stood for Artificial Intelligence. But, I Think It's Better to Think About It Like Alien Intelligence. It Makes Decisions That Are Fundamentally Alien to the Human Mind." - 11/16/2024
Elon Musk | "AI Tutors Are Going to Be Amazing, Perhaps Companionship. How Can a Computer Be Your Friend? It Will Know You Better Than Anyone." + "You Don't Need to Be a Human Being In Order to Be a Legal Person." - Yuval
Artificial Intelligence | "I've Said Publicly & I'm Half Joking We Need AI Government. It Might Be the Way to Go." - Joe Rogan + "This Is the End of Human History. Power Is Shifting to a Non-Human Intelligence." - Yuval H
Yuval Noah Harari | "There Were Some Interbreeding Between Homo Sapiens and Neanderthals. Between 1% and 3% of Our Genetic Code Comes from Neanderthals."
Yuval Noah Harari | Artificial Intelligence | "Here We Have Intelligent Design. Not the Intelligent Design of the Creationist In the Bible, a REAL INTELLIGENT DESIGN. We Are Designing the A.I. And Then the A.I."
The Great Reset | What Is the Great Reset? (Victor Davis Hanson, Yuval Noah Harari & Klaus Schwab Explain) + Who Is the World Economic Founder, Klaus Schwab?
Dr. Judy Mikovits | "Every Vaccine Is Extermination & Sterilization." - Dr. Mikovits | “In 2002, UNC Chapel Hill Patented An Infectious Replication Defective Clone of Coronavirus.” - Dr. Martin + Why Do Musk, Harari & Schwab Agree?