Revelation | Are We Living Through the Fulfillment of the Book of Revelation? Connecting the Dots Between mRNA Modifying Nano Technology, Brain Chips, Transhumanism, CBDCs and the Book of Revelation
Doctor David Martin | On the Best Case (The COVID Shots Will Cause) Permanent Death and Disability to 300 Million People - COVID Shots Doctor Dave Martin
Pandemic Simulation | The World Health Organization, Johns Hopkins, and Bill Gates Just Conducted Another Pandemic Simulation — This Time The Virus Is Deadlier And Targets Children
The Great Reset | What Is the Agenda Behind the New World Order, the Great Reset, the Green New Deal and the Transhumanism Agenda? (Who Are David Rockefeller, Klaus Schwab, Henry Kissinger & Yuval Noah Harari?)
Tether | Is Tether a Scam? Is Tether Essentially a Privately-run Money Printer, Money for Nothing and About to Explode? Wolf of Wall Street’ Jordan Belfort: "Tether Is a Scam"
The Surveillance State Explained | The Surveillance State Explained Including- CBDCs, Street Lights That Kill & "They Are Listening In. If Your Device Has a Microphone They Are Listening. Your Cell Phone Is Listening
Artificial Womb Facility? | EctoLife Scientist Reveal World's First Artificial Womb Facility That Can Incubate 30,000 Babies!!! "We Will Learn How to Engineer Bodies, Brains & Minds. These Will Be Products of the 21st Century"
CBDCs | Programmable Central Bank Digital Currencies Are HERE!!! + Why Is Dr. Eric Nepute Being Sued by the Federal Trade Commission for $508,000,000,000?
AntiChrist | Did the Commonwealth Games 2022 Reveal the Antichrist? The Connection Between Moloch Worship, Prince Charles, Yuval Noah Harari, mRNA Modifying Nano-Technology, Hyper-Inflation and the New World Order
Barack Obama | Why Did Barack Obama Say, "We All Know Some Folks In Our Lives, They Say Crazy Stuff and We're All Like, You Know Uncle Joe...We Know Happened to Him?"