3 years agoThe family of a man who is being denied a heart transplant because of his vaccination status describe the ordealThe Post Millennial LiveVerified
11 months agoNew WEF Report Reveals the Global Elites’ Shocking Plan to Enforce Vaccination.galacticstorm
2 years agoIn Oct. 2021, Eva Holzleitner collapsed in parliament after saying, "mistrust of vaccination is unfounded"RedpillUSAPatriotsVerified
3 years agoJonathan Isaac of the Magic Takes Intelligent Stand Against Forced VaccinationsTerrence K WilliamsVerified
3 years agoDo You Support The Troops? Then Support Those Who Resist Forced VaccinationsThe Ron Paul Liberty ReportVerified
3 years agoNOW - Proof of vaccination, negative test requirements, masks mandates ending in SaskatchewanOp Freedom
1 year agoChina Viral Fear Porn. China Coronavirus Full Vaccination Rate is at 89.54%. Just SayingTheWarAgainstYou