Erick Stakelbeck | Why Is the World Focused On Israel? What Does the Bible Say About Israel & the End Times? Are We Witnessing Ezekiel 38, Revelation 16: 12-14, Mark 13, Matthew 24 & Luke 21? What Is The Great Reset?
COVID-19 Shots | "According to a Brand New Peer-Reviewed Study, A Staggering 1 In 35 Recipients of the Modern Booster Shot Experienced Vaccine Associated Heart Injury." - Epoch Times + Jane Goodall Pushes Depopulation
20140326 week 1 of 4 week Overview of 1 year course To Protect, Discern the Times, prepare for the coming of 2nd Coming:Week 1: Understanding our Jewish Roots:– Grafted In, Anthems, Pledges