The Great Reset / COVID-19 Agenda Explained | Exposing The REAL Dr. Anthony Fauci | Get Tested to Make Sure You Have It. Get Tested with PCR Technology. Take a Toxic Drug to Cure You.
COVID-19 Tests | PCR Tests | Karry Mullis the Inventor of the PCR Tests Explains How PCR Tests Can Be Misused and Why You Should Not Trust the Established Scientific Community
Robert Kiyosaki & James Rickards | "If You Donate Money to Donald Trump, You May Find That Your Account Is Frozen." The Connection Between the Chinese Social Credit System, Black Mirror & Executive Order 14067
The Great Reset | Canadian Conservative Leader Calls Out Trudeau's Hypocrisy, "In the Month of July The Prime Minister Jumped On His Private Jet 20 Times."
Jay-Z | "Jay-Z Is Control By Satanism." - Larry Johnson | Exposing the Dark Truth About Jay-Z with Sports Reporter Jason Whitlock and Former NFL Running Back Larry Johnson