Relationship with God, The Enemy Wants to Destroy That Relationship + Overcome the Enemy with Word of Your Testimony and the Blood of the Lamb + Read Your Bible
Israel + The Old System of Babylon Under Rome, Shift to the System of the Beast, Judah, The Sanhedrin + Sadducees and Pharisees, Will Declare the Anti-Christ to be the Messiah
Elon Musk, Is He Out of the System?, The Twitter Files, Circle Groups, Elon Musk Alluded to AI Being Demonic + Is Elon Working with White Hats? + Brain Chip
Pokémon Introduces Children to the Basics of Elemental Magick, 72 (Demons), Grandmaster, "I Summon You", Names of Actual Demons + Elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water
Jessie's Divorce in the Heavenly Courts, Authority Given By Satan and also By Jesus Christ + Jessie Bore the Sins of All the Previous Mothers of Darkness