Prophecy 2 - MY Wrath Is As Great As MY Love! "Join together around the world through the miracle of the computer, link together, stand together and you will see a greater outpouring of the RUACH ha KODESH (HOLY SPIRIT) as never before."
Prophecy 70 (key to YAH'S Arsenal) What Will YAHUVEH Do When Calamity Comes Knocking At Your Door? "many times I use this ministry as a barometer" A "Jer 6:27-30 test"
Saints Rose in Jersusalem, Enoch & Elijah Taken, Two Witnesses will be and the 144,000 Bride too. YAH SAYS in Amightywind Prophecy 49 Excerpts that HIS children are not to abuse each other over a Rapture debate
GREAT FALSE WONDERS! Fallen angels take control of false preachers Ken Copeland (reptilian) & Rodney Howard Browne give false prophecies/total chaos. Masses to a dark jesus far from YAH (mirrored)
A FAKE GOSPEL Ken Copeland, a Reptilian, controlled by fallen angels, gives false prophecy to fellow reptilian pimp Morris Cerullo (deceased, not in Heaven) mirrored
fallen angels Rule Over The ICHABOD CHURCHES With RAINING GOLD DUST - Location Bethel, CA. Great Falling Away ushering in the dark jesus/antimessiah. Is Another Gospel (Gal 1:8) mirrored