1. China | Virus - Should we in the west be worried?

    China | Virus - Should we in the west be worried?

  2. BOBI WINE & NUBIAN LI Xenophobia

    BOBI WINE & NUBIAN LI Xenophobia

  3. According to Critical Race Theory, opposing open borders is......racist! (Shocker)

    According to Critical Race Theory, opposing open borders is......racist! (Shocker)

  4. World Events - Biblical Perspective - #1 - Dangers of the Unclean Animal - Coronavirus

    World Events - Biblical Perspective - #1 - Dangers of the Unclean Animal - Coronavirus

  5. SOUTH AFRICA - Cape Town - Refugees occupying the Central Methodist Church at Cape High Court(Video) (FAW)

    SOUTH AFRICA - Cape Town - Refugees occupying the Central Methodist Church at Cape High Court(Video) (FAW)
