1. How do you receive from the LORD what YOU are asking for him to do in your life?

    How do you receive from the LORD what YOU are asking for him to do in your life?

  2. There is Spiritual growth that places in your life with the LORD, as YOU grow with him in his word!

    There is Spiritual growth that places in your life with the LORD, as YOU grow with him in his word!

  3. God has not FORGOTTEN about YOU, or will he leave You in the SITUATION that you are in!

    God has not FORGOTTEN about YOU, or will he leave You in the SITUATION that you are in!

  4. Let the LORD Develop YOU, and Do NOT Force the MIRACLE that HE is Producing in your Life!

    Let the LORD Develop YOU, and Do NOT Force the MIRACLE that HE is Producing in your Life!

  5. You have to TRUST God even when there is no EVIDENCE of it in the NATURAL for the MIRACLE!

    You have to TRUST God even when there is no EVIDENCE of it in the NATURAL for the MIRACLE!

  6. You cannot WALK in LOVE without keeping his WORD, and his COMMANDS in your HEART!

    You cannot WALK in LOVE without keeping his WORD, and his COMMANDS in your HEART!

  7. Judgement comes for the Wicked that have used their riches for pleasure, and not for the KINGDOM!

    Judgement comes for the Wicked that have used their riches for pleasure, and not for the KINGDOM!

  8. When the LORD Jesus arrives will he find YOU blameless in his sight, and obedience to him?

    When the LORD Jesus arrives will he find YOU blameless in his sight, and obedience to him?

  9. There is POWER in your Prayers, as there are your PRAISES unto God!

    There is POWER in your Prayers, as there are your PRAISES unto God!

  10. Do not Allow other people to bad mouth your blessing, because God WILL Do it in your life!

    Do not Allow other people to bad mouth your blessing, because God WILL Do it in your life!

  11. Your words have the ability to speak life into your situation or devastation to the enemy!

    Your words have the ability to speak life into your situation or devastation to the enemy!

  12. Injustice and Evil will ALWAYS be present in the World, and your words will impact your environment!

    Injustice and Evil will ALWAYS be present in the World, and your words will impact your environment!

  13. Humble Yourself, and be used as an instrument in the hands of God, and He will Use YOU!

    Humble Yourself, and be used as an instrument in the hands of God, and He will Use YOU!

  14. You are what You Practice, and You can live a life that honors God!

    You are what You Practice, and You can live a life that honors God!

  15. SEXY LEGS Workout - This will make you SHAKE! for booty, calves, inner + outer thighs

    SEXY LEGS Workout - This will make you SHAKE! for booty, calves, inner + outer thighs

  16. You can have your prayers delayed, because YOU are focused on someone else's prayers being answered!

    You can have your prayers delayed, because YOU are focused on someone else's prayers being answered!
