#116 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: SOUND OF FREEDOM - The Catholic Church, Charities & U.S. Bishops Are Being Paid BILLIONS Of Your Tax Dollars To Run The Child Sex Slave Trafficking Operation - MICHAEL VORIS & STEVE BANNON
#150 LEWIS HERMS: "CAGES" PART 2 - The Documentary - Arizona Is A Cesspool Of Child Sex Slave Trafficking, Corruption, Money Laundering, Election Fraud, Evil CPS, Politician POSes & Demonic Symbols
#243 NOVEMBER 8TH REEDUCATION - X Spaces Episode #5 - The Walls Are Closing In On Maricopa County Elections - FRAUD HAS BEEN PROVEN! EVERYTHING You've Been Told For The Past 14 Months Has Been A BIG LIE!
#170 Our Elections Are Corrupt, Fraudulent & Unconstitutional So Why Is The RNC/GOP Going After The Grassroots Who EXPOSE The Truth + Why Don't They Want To Ban The Voting Machines? | THE BIG MIG & MICHELE SWINICK
#119 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: SOUND OF FREEDOM - MIKE ADAMS Health Ranger | Corporate Media DEFENDS Child Sex Slave Trafficking & America Has Been Overrun By A Demonic Infestation Of Pure Evil Because WE Turned Away From GOD | BRIGHTEON.TV
#283 Why Do We Think What We Think, Is Really Our Thinking? Worldwide View Is...EVERYTHING! What's Yours? They've Been Brainwashing & Indoctrinating Us Since Birth With ALL THEIR LIES | JESUS ROCKS - LUCY DIGRAZIA
459: ARIZONA ELECTION CRIMES & FRAUD EXPOSED MARATHON - Maricopa County & Scott Jarrett Committed A FELONY When They STOLE The Election - We Show The Receipts! Where Are The Legislators? Officials? Sheriffs?
#165 You Can Have Voting Machines Or A Country . . . You CAN'T Have Both! It's Time We The People Take Back Our Unconstitutional, Corrupt & Fraudulent Elections! | GUNNY CORWELL & MICHELE SWINICK
#169 Citizen Grand Juries & Tactical Civics! We The People Hold ALL The Power To Stop The Corruption, Fraud & Unconstitutional Elections NOW! | BILL OGDEN
5pm ET: The "Election System Operation", AZGOP Bribery Agreement & LD3, BOS Tyranny & The Big MCRC Circus Comes To Town Tomorrow! | Save My Freedom with Michele Swinick
#113 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: Jim Caviezel - Sound Of Freedom - "The Storm Is Upon Us" Speech From October 2021 - GOD'S Children Are NO LONGER FOR SALE! How Are YOU Going To Make That Happen? GET REALLY LOUD!