10 months agoLord Jesus let the seeds I plant in our Father’s children produce thirty, sixty, and hundredfold.BlessedBeyondBelief8
6 months agoThank You God my Father for allowing me to see Miracles as I Lay Hands on Your children.BlessedBeyondBelief8
6 months agoJesus said, “neither do I condemn you, go, and from now on sin no more.”BlessedBeyondBelief8
10 months agoFather Grow my Faith so I know when I call on You in Jesus Name You will be Glorified.BlessedBeyondBelief8
1 year agoIron sharpens iron, your life reflects your heart, you are tested by Praise.BlessedBeyondBelief8
5 months agoOn Pentecost, suddenly there came from Heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind.BlessedBeyondBelief8
1 year agoFather I bind all generational sins, curses, or covenants in Jesus Name.BlessedBeyondBelief8
1 year agoDeny Yourself, Surrender to God’s will, and allow Christ Jesus to guide you into finding yourself.BlessedBeyondBelief8
6 months agoDon’t walk in darkness, Surrender to God’s will and let Jesus’ Light shine through you.BlessedBeyondBelief8