6 months agoELIZABETH BRIGHT | BEST BACTERIA …FIBER NOT NEEDED! carnivore sets up best gut bacteriaDoctorsToTrust
4 years ago2 effective natural remedies _ treating ear pain & inflammation_whistling ears (tinnitus) from day 1Treatment with safe, proven, proven natural recipes at home
1 year agoThe Perverse Incentives Eroding Patient Care: Dr. Carrie Mendoza | TEASERAmerican Thought LeadersVerified
1 year agoBEN BIKMAN c | Hyperthyroidism AND TSH low: problem with thyroid gland itself [tumor?]Doctors To Trust
1 year agoBEN BIKMAN 7 | 60s? Lose fat cells: KEEP INSULIN LOW! if not: fatter & sicker!!Doctors To Trust
2 years ago🇨🇿 Univerzita ROOT: Zmírnění neurozánětu a mitochondriopatie pomocí produktů ROOT - 28.11.22RootUSAGlobal
1 year agoBEN BIKMAN b CLASSIC | LEAKY GUT from: fructose; veggie oils Leads to fibrosis of liver!Doctors To Trust
1 year agoBEN BIKMAN h; | In nature: protein & fat ALWAYS COME TOGETHER! animal source bestDoctors To Trust
1 year agoBEN BIKMAN a” | Insulin resistance. HALF WORLD’S ADULTS have it; heart disease up 40xDoctors To Trust
1 year agoJASON FUNG 5’ | FASTING: 16x8 or OMAD. Easy to fit into family; friends lifestyleDoctors To Trust