Culture War | Death of the US Dollar and All Fiat Currencies | Why does BRICS 11 Matter to Us? | What Can We Do To Prepare and Protect Our Families? | Guest: Andrew Sorchini | Beverly Hills Precious Metals
Housing Illegal Immigrants In Private Residences | "It Is My Vision to Take the Next Step to This...Going to Faith-Based Locales And Then Move to Private Residents. There Are Residents...Who Have Spare Rooms." - New York's Mayor Eric Adams
Clay Clark | Clay Clark & General Flynn's ReAwaken America Tour | A TELL ALL Interview with Vanessa Clark (Clay Clark's Wife) & Havana Clark (Vanessa & Clay Clark's Daughter)
Pastor Mark Burns | “This Is Happening My Beloveds Because We Are Letting It Happen. We Can’t Come Here To Beautiful Places Like Trump Doral, And Shout And Wear Trump Gear But Then Go Back To Your Homes And Do Nothing.” - Pastor Mark Burns
The Great Reset | "The Whole Agenda Is to Create a One World Government Where Everybody Has An RFID Chip Implanted In Them. All Money Is to Be In Those Chips."
Vanessa Clark | “Why Was This Man Born Blind? For The Sins Of His Parents Or His Own? And Jesus Replied Neither. He Was Born This Way So That My Glory Might Be Shown.” - Vanessa Clark