THE SHIT IS HITTING THE FAN! Australia's drug regulator the TGA hid the deaths of a 7 and 9 year old that suffered cardiac arrest after vaccination… because they were concerned that disclosure would undermine public confidence.
"Gee I wonder why everyone I talk To Is Always Complaining That they are burnt out and feel tiered all the time?" - Well actually I don't wonder why because I know exactly why because I actually Read!
Dedicated to all the real 'TRUTHERS' & [LINKS/Salesmen] All around The World that do not mention Biodigital Convergence BIO-CYBER INTERFACE Bio-Nano-Things 6g ITU-IOBNT-THZ IEEE-IEC-ISO POLICIES & All The connections in between
@Kingston_Truth @zeee_media @RealAlexJones @infowars @realstewpeters YOU AVOID OUR INFORMATION LIKE IT'S "COVID"! ITU-IoBnT 6G Have Me On Your Show So I Can Prove You Are All FRAUDS In You're Own ZONE!
DNA Nanostructures: From Design to Biological Function Dr. Hanadi Sleiman describes the application of 3D-DNA host structures, such as cages, nanotubes and spherical nucleic acids, as drug delivery vehicles
@HOPEGIRLBLOG I'm hearing through the comments sections that you are trying to create "BEEF" In The Nonvaxer420 Psinergy Community! You better be ready because they are Ready! You blocked them so you could talk shit unnoticed! PUNK MOVES
HOUSE OF COMMONS OF CANADA BILL C-293 An Act respecting pandemic prevention and preparedness AS PASSED BY THE HOUSE OF COMMONS June 5, 2024 - WHO ONE-HEALTH
Start Doing It Better Than Me PLEASE? All You Gotta Do Is Read & Research More And Post More! OR Just Join Me In OUR Research And Help To SHARE The Research 🌎 & We All Win!