When the Wrong Group Does the EBS, But There’s Still Opportunity to Love. NOTE: This Could Very Well Be Predictive Programming, Post-Corrupt Soul—WATCH OBJECTIVELY if You Choose to! “Ghosttown” by Madonna + Live Version at the 2015 iHeart Awards.
Alex Jones' Emergency 2/4/23 Broadcast! The U.S. is Actually at War with China —OR— The Illuminati at War with China. Because WE, The U.S., are The Illuminati (“The Swamp”).. + Kanye West Explained!
Like a Twin Flame Obsession. Even the Most Powerful Vixen Was a Chaser Struggling to Move on ..and Sometimes so is the Runner! She Believes She Was Spanish in Another Life, Explaining These Ongoing Bullfighting Themes. “You’ll See” by Madonna.
“Falling” in Love—What This Really is! It is Not of Heart 💚 Chakra, But Rather the Attachment-Oriented Solar 🟡 Plexus Chakra. Video Includes an Ending Meditation — Matías De Stefano
Street Scene (1931 Full Movie) | Starring Sylvia Sidney, William Collier Jr, Estelle Taylor | Themes of Gossip, Racism, Sexual Predators, Young [True] Love, Infidelity, and Murder! — Seems NYC Hasn't Changed Much Since Even ”Simpler Days”.