The Great Reset versus The Great ReAwakening | Attorney Thomas Renz | How We Are Going to Expose the Fraud of Dr. Fauci & How to Win in the Court of Law and Court of Public Opinion
CBDCs | Elon Musk 101, FTX, FX Swap Debt a $80 Trillion 'Blind Spot' Global Regulators Say,"FTX Was an OP That Got Brought Down In an OP...Vaccine Passports Are the End of Freedom In the West." - Catherine Austin Fitts
Yuval Noah Harari | "The Hitlers of the 21st Century with Tools Like A.I. and Bioengineering, They Will Have the Ability to Reengineer the Human Body and the Mind."
Yuval Noah Harari | "Tools to Start Changing for Overcoming Biology Just Think About the SEX Life. If You Can Really Can Start Messing with Human Biology, What Will Be the Result of These SEXUAL Fantasies...Virtual Spouses..."
Dollar Collapse | "The Bank of International Settlements In April of 2019 Quietly Classified Gold As the World's ONLY Other Tier 1 Reserve Asset" - Andy Schectman