Dollar | Dollar Collapse & De-Dollarization Worldwide | What If the Dollar Fails? Wooden Nickels? "There Is NO LEGAL LIMIT On the Amount of Dollars That the FED Can Print." - Jim Rickards (Lawyer, Economist, Investment Banker & Speaker)
Robin Bullock | "AI Will Become the Voice of the Prophet to the Church. This Is What Chips And Neural Implants Will Accomplish. Those Who Take a Chip Will Hear the Voice of the False Prophet Through the A.I. Programs. BEWARE." (7.2.23)
Dr. Judy Mikovits | Malaria Cases In Florida & Texas?! Why Is Bill Gates Making 30 Million Mosquitos Per Week? Why Did Elon Musk Say This? “We Could Effectively Merge with Artificial Intelligence.” + “Achieve Symbiosis w/ Artificial Intelligence
Rodney Howard Brown | “Where Does The Boldness Come From? It Can’t Be Something You Mentally Pysch Yourself Up Too. It Has To Come From Somewhere, and It's Something That Will Come From Within You.” - Rodney Howard Brown