FORMER NFL PLAYER “Dwight Smith” EXPOSES NFL FOR RIGGING GAMES!…“Arise ye, & depart; for this is not your rest: because it is polluted” 🕎2 Esdras 6:9 “For Esau is the end of the world, & Jacob is the beginning of it that follows”
Katy Perry Wide Awake Music Video Decode, Release Dates, Carousel Mind Control Program, Sandman, Dreamy, Cotton Candy-Like Clouds + Carousel Programmed People Could be Triggered into Beta Kitty Sex Slave Alter, Doll Alter aka Thumbelina Installed at Age 2
Justin Bieber Where Are Ü Now Music Video Decode, Strawberries, Clowns, Carousel Program, Jessie's Childhood Circus Gorilla Story + Calling Out Various Names + Advertisement for a Smocking Party, Pedophilia, Very Disturbing
Justin Bieber Where Are Ü Now Music Video Decode, Smocking, Adrenochrome, Birthday Ritual, Teeth and Skulls, Satanic Symbolism + So Many Images, Too Fast to See Them All, Subliminal Programming