What is a Conspiracy Theorist?—A Person Who Knows it Before Everyone Else. | HERO: Sinéad O’Connor Stands Up for the Inner-Child, and All Children—with NO Regret for the Controversy Caused! + “Famine” Music Videos, and a Live Performance.
Abraham Hicks—11 Minutes of Figuring Out What the Hell Selfishness Really is! | #InternallyConflicted #Selfishness #TheresAlwaysAnAbrahamHicksVideoForThatLikeTheresAnAppForThat!
Dedicated to Those Who Find Love –>Inside<– Even in Singlehood; and Whose Past isn’t STUCK in Their Solar Plexus Chakra.. “Freedom! ‘90” by George Michael (a Revolutionary Video Directed by David Fincher).
When You Finally Come to Terms with the Fact That it’s Just Not Gonna Happen with Them.. and Gracefully Bow Out! “Too Many Walls” by Cathy Dennis (The Quiet Song Writer of Britney Spears’ “Toxic”, and Many Others).