1. The UK Is Working Towards Multiple Trade Deals While The EU Stalls

    The UK Is Working Towards Multiple Trade Deals While The EU Stalls

  2. Sadiq Khan Demands Brexit Extension, Kate Hoey Destroyed Him

    Sadiq Khan Demands Brexit Extension, Kate Hoey Destroyed Him

  3. Brave Lone Rugby Player Refuses To Submit Himself & Pander To This Nonsense

    Brave Lone Rugby Player Refuses To Submit Himself & Pander To This Nonsense

  4. Kate Hoey Shuts Down Dopey Joe Biden After He Jumps On The Anti Brexit Bandwagon

    Kate Hoey Shuts Down Dopey Joe Biden After He Jumps On The Anti Brexit Bandwagon

  5. Boris Johnson Moved To Intensive Care, Labour Mayor Sheila Oakes Claims He Deserves It

    Boris Johnson Moved To Intensive Care, Labour Mayor Sheila Oakes Claims He Deserves It

  6. Boris Johnson Trolls The SNP WIth UK Branding Plan For Scottish Project

    Boris Johnson Trolls The SNP WIth UK Branding Plan For Scottish Project

  7. The EU Car Crash Continues As Italy Is Advised To Exit The Euro & Prosper Again

    The EU Car Crash Continues As Italy Is Advised To Exit The Euro & Prosper Again

  8. Disgusting Members Of The Public Pile On The Police During An Arrest In Hackney, Diane Abbott Silent

    Disgusting Members Of The Public Pile On The Police During An Arrest In Hackney, Diane Abbott Silent

  9. If Parents Don't Agree With Labour Teachers They Are Far Right & The Propaganda Must Be Stopped

    If Parents Don't Agree With Labour Teachers They Are Far Right & The Propaganda Must Be Stopped

  10. The Brexit Delay Bill & Ranting Barnier Shows Us The Remainers Are Getting Desperate

    The Brexit Delay Bill & Ranting Barnier Shows Us The Remainers Are Getting Desperate

  11. The Recent Flurry of Remainer Attempts To Delay Brexit Shows Us Something Important

    The Recent Flurry of Remainer Attempts To Delay Brexit Shows Us Something Important

  12. Anti-British BBC To Axe Rule Britannia & Land Of Hope & Glory From The Proms Next Month

    Anti-British BBC To Axe Rule Britannia & Land Of Hope & Glory From The Proms Next Month

  13. Euro scepticism Grows Within The EU as Recession Could End The Euro Currency

    Euro scepticism Grows Within The EU as Recession Could End The Euro Currency

  14. £20 Trillion Post Brexit Atlantic Trade Deal To Eclipse EU

    £20 Trillion Post Brexit Atlantic Trade Deal To Eclipse EU

  15. The Emily Maitliss Diatribe Of Lefty Liberal Wokery On Newsnight Exposes The BBC Bias

    The Emily Maitliss Diatribe Of Lefty Liberal Wokery On Newsnight Exposes The BBC Bias

  16. Priti Patel Shuts Down Delusional Labour MP's In The House of Commons

    Priti Patel Shuts Down Delusional Labour MP's In The House of Commons

  17. The People Of Europe Are Rising Up Against The EU & Incompetent Governments

    The People Of Europe Are Rising Up Against The EU & Incompetent Governments

  18. Desperate Remoaners Beg Their EU Masters To Delay Brexit That Could Cost £4.6 Trillion

    Desperate Remoaners Beg Their EU Masters To Delay Brexit That Could Cost £4.6 Trillion

  19. Sadiq Khan Threatens To Shut Down TFL Services Unless The Government Gives Him More Money

    Sadiq Khan Threatens To Shut Down TFL Services Unless The Government Gives Him More Money

  20. Sadiq Khan Demands The UK Government Extends The Brexit Deadline As Desperation Sets In

    Sadiq Khan Demands The UK Government Extends The Brexit Deadline As Desperation Sets In

  21. Sadiq Khan Smears Veterans Who Want To Protect Monuments & Claims They Will Cause Trouble

    Sadiq Khan Smears Veterans Who Want To Protect Monuments & Claims They Will Cause Trouble

  22. 10 Brexit Options For Boris? More Like A Remainers BDS Induced Salty Tears

    10 Brexit Options For Boris? More Like A Remainers BDS Induced Salty Tears

  23. How Does The Met Chief Still Have Her Job Given The Weekends Embarrassment

    How Does The Met Chief Still Have Her Job Given The Weekends Embarrassment
