Gold | BREAKING!!! Gold Hits All-Time High, But Why?! Why Are the BRICS Nations Teaming Up Militarily & Financially? JUST IN: U.S. Announces Reinforcements to the Middle East + Red Heifers Ready to Sacrifice In Israel?
BRICS | "BRICS Is Working On Independent Payment System, Free from Political Pressure, Abuse And External Interference." - Vladimir Putin (President of Russia) | BRICS Nation Exploring New Reserve Currency Backed By Gold
BRICS | "BRICS is working on our own independent payment system, free from political pressure, abuse and external interference. This year, BRICS Was Joined by Saudi Arabia, Iran, UAE, Egypt & Ethiopia." - Vladimir Putin (9/26/24)
Tucker Carlson Vladimir Putin Interview | "BRICS countries accounted for only 16% of the world economy in 1992, but now their share is greater than the G7. This is due to the trend of global development and world economy. This is inevitable." -
GOLD | "In 2022, the U.S. Dollar Accounted for 58% of All Foreign Reserves Down from 78% In 2002? What' Taken It's Place? BRICS Have Made Tremendous Progress On A New World Order Through Dedollarization."