5 months ago[Flat Earth Dave Interviews 2] The AntiDisinformation 10 PODCAST with Flat Earth Dave [Jun 30, 2022]DITRH Interviews
5 months ago[Unquestionable Podcast] Is the Earth Flat? with David Weiss [Jun 29, 2022]DITRH Interviews
5 months ago[jeranism] [Flat Earth Dave Interviews 2] The FAKE alien invasion on FLAT EARTH [Jun 22, 2022]DITRH Interviews
5 months ago[In The Shed With Ryan] GEORGIA GUIDE STONES, CERN , FLATEATH. SEASON FINAL.DITRH Interviews
5 months agoFlat Earth Dave (Weiss) - Exploring All Things Flat Earth - With Joan of Angels - Episode 69DITRH Interviews
5 months agoNASA Hoax? How'd The Apollo 11 Crew Miss THIS!? | "Flat Earther" David Weiss [Jul 13, 2022]DITRH Interviews
5 months ago[Jason Petrunik] NASA Is A Lie, Here's WHY! | "Flat Earther" David Weiss [Jul 18, 2022]DITRH Interviews
5 months ago[Flat Earth Dave Interviews 2] Freefloat PODCAST w Flat Earth Dave [clip] [Jul 18, 2022]DITRH Interviews
5 months ago[Flat Earth Watertown New York] Flat Earth Dave! (full screen) [Jul 18, 2022]DITRH Interviews
5 months ago[DITRH SHORTS] The ISS fake out - The Launch Pad Podcast with Jason Petrunik [Jul 18, 2022]DITRH Interviews
5 months agoNASA is a shady bunch of characters - The Launch Pad Podcast with Jason Petrunik [Jul 18, 2022]DITRH Interviews
5 months ago[DITRH SHORTS] Fake project paperclip - The Launch Pad Podcast with Jason Petrunik [Jul 18, 2022]DITRH Interviews
5 months agoDavid Weiss & Sol Luckman Talk Tartaria, Great Reset, Crater Earth, New Lands & "Extra"terrestrialsDITRH Interviews
5 months ago[DailyTruthReport] ✅ Dave Weiss: The Truth EXPOSED About Where We Actually Live! [Jul 20, 2022]DITRH Interviews
5 months ago[The Court Case Podcast!] #58 - Flat Earth w/ David Weiss - PART 2 [Jul 21, 2022]DITRH Interviews
5 months ago[The Court Case Podcast!] #57 - Flat Earth w/ David Weiss - PART 1 [Jul 21, 2022]DITRH Interviews
5 months ago[Flat Earth Dave Interviews 2] The Court Case Podcast with Flat Earth Dave [Jul 21, 2022]DITRH Interviews
5 months ago[Jason Petrunik]The Launch Pad Podcast with Flat Earth Dave [Jul 18, 2022]DITRH Interviews