1 year agoFetal Heart broadcasts his love of pawperz to the phone chats (buttholewinkler34 reupload)Chris Caulk Pranks
1 year agoFetal Heart's casual conversation with a LaVerne police dispatcher (buttholewinkler34 reupload)Chris Caulk Pranks
1 year agoTom the Greensboro Bear Comes out of Hibernation to meet Oak Park (buttholewinkler34 reupload)Chris Caulk Pranks
9 months agoJerk Off Guy, Chris, New York C*nt, IBM, and The Canadian Teens Call A Gentlemen's ClubChris Caulk Pranks
5 months agoChris enlists Pruane to inquire about his undelivered Medical Alert BraceletChris Caulk Pranks