E-Myth | Interview With the Best-Selling Author of the E-Myth, Michael Gerber + How to Create a Time & Financial Freedom Producing Business When Being Self-Employed Never Allows Your Responsibilities to Take a Day Off
New Year, New Mindset | 60+ DONALD TRUMP WORDS OF WISDOM | Join Trump & Kiyosaki At Clay Clark's 2-Day Business Workshop In Tulsa, OK + Learn Marketing, Sales, Workflow Design, Management, Finance & More
Robert Kiyosaki | How Did Robert Kiyosaki Become the Best-Selling Author of RichDad.com? + How to Escape the Rat Race + Eric Trump & Robert Kiyosaki Join Clay Clark's (March 6-7) 2-Day Business Workshop In Tulsa, OK!!!
Biden lies that he was at Ground Zero the day after the 9/11 attacks - he was in D.C. on the Senate floor: "Ground Zero in New York. I remember standing there the next day, felt like I was looking through the gates of hell."