2 months ago#USA #Mississippi #Flooding #Storm #climate #anomaly #climatecrisis #weather #climatechangeVitalinaDeu
2 months ago#Israel #Ashdod #Flooding #HeavyRain #ClimateChange #climate #anomaly #climatecrisis #weatherVitalinaDeu
1 month ago#Argentina #SanLuis #Hail #hailstorm #climate #anomaly #climatecrisis #weather #climatechangeVitalinaDeu
1 month ago#Australia #ArthurRiver #Bushfire #Heatwave #Victoria #climate #destruction #anomaly #climatechangeVitalinaDeu
2 years agoClimate lockdowns, controlling opposition, levers of power AND THE DARK SIDE Katie Hopkins:Watchman's Duty
1 year ago🤔 How come it’s okay? #climatechange #climateprotest #climateprotester #climateactivist #climateDocReichenbach
2 months ago#Morocco #Flooding #Marrakesh #climate #destruction #anomaly #climatecrisis #weather #climatechangeVitalinaDeu
4 months agoWeather Warfare is NOT real!! Helene was 100% NATURAL #CLIMATECHANGE #RFBBiological Medicine
1 month ago#Oman #Flood #Weather #Muscat #climate #destruction #anomaly #climatecrisis #weather #climatechangeVitalinaDeu
2 years agoBrilliant speech addressed to our ‘woke’ youth fighting #climatechange by Konstantine Kisin.yellowgenius
2 months ago#USA #Flooding #Tennessee #NorthCarolina #climate #anomaly #climatecrisis #weather #climatechangeVitalinaDeu
1 month ago#Spain #Storm_Herminia #Galicia #StormHerminia #climate #anomaly #climatecrisis #climatechangeVitalinaDeu
1 month ago#UnitedKingdom #uksnow #London #snow #climate #anomaly #climatecrisis #weather #climatechangeVitalinaDeu
1 month ago#Gaza #Palestine #Rain #Flooding #climate #anomaly #climatecrisis #weather #climatechangeVitalinaDeu
1 month ago#USA #California #LosAngeles #Wildfire #Evacuation #Pasadena #climate #anomaly #climatechangeVitalinaDeu
1 month ago#Brazil #Irupi #flood #weather #EspiritoSanto #climate #anomaly #climatecrisis #climatechangeVitalinaDeu
1 year agoLord Malloch Demands More Money for the Climate Hoax to Enslave the Global Population 11-18-2022TheWarAgainstYou
2 years agoWho founds CLIMATE CHANGE ⁉️ #ClimateChange #ClimateChangeShills #ClimateChangeHoaxTruth411Verified