Adrenochrome | "Adrenochrome, the Whole Adrenochrome Empire. This Is a Big Deal. It's Listed Under the NIH, It's a Chemical Compound, It's C9,H9,NO3. It Is an Elite Drug...It's 10 Times More Potent Than Heroin." Jim Caviezel
In-N-Out Burger History | How to Build a Linear Workflow That Wows!!! + Celebrating the Wonderful Customers!!! + How a Lean Startup Works? What Percentage of Americans Choose Socialism?
Peter Navarro | "I'm Going to Get Really Serious. The Most Serious 6 Minutes You Are Going To Have In This Whole Thing (CPAC). Lawfare, Partisan Politics By Weaponized Justice. They Want This President Titan (Trump) to Die Cruelly In Prison.&quo
The Russia-Ukraine conflict is one that everybody in North America seems to have an opinion on and just about all of your opinions are wrong. In order to understand Crimea and why Russia wants it, you need to understand the history and politics in the reg
(1958 Speech) Canadian Naval Intelligence Admiral William Guy Carr's "Pawns in the Game" EXPOSING the international Satanic conspiracy to enslave the whole world!