Texas Must Declare Economic War on Mexico to Secure the Border/Iraq Parliament Begins Process to Lower Age of Consent and Marriage to 9 for Girls/Second Known Pedophile Allowed To Work At Paris Olympics/It’s ‘Weird’ That Democrats Want ‘Sexually E
UN Declares War on Free Speech: “People With Non-Mainstream Views Must Be Ostracized From Society/Trump Vows To Sentence Pedophile Traffickers To Death When Elected President/U.S. Infant Mortality Rate ‘Alarmingly’ Higher Than Lesser Vaccinated Coun
Alvin Bragg Arrested!/Georgia Parents Molested and Offered 2-Year-Old Daughter to Be Raped by Men/Migrant Freed from Jail on $500 Bail After Allegedly Raping Girl/Iran threatens Israel with ‘obliterating war’
Biden Regime Paid Putin a Billion Bucks for WSJ/CIA Spy Evan Gershkovich/British PM Slams Elon Musk For Claiming Civil War In UK Is Inevitable/Joe Biden Six Days Before Global Market Crash That Wiped Out $2 Trillion: “I Cured the Economy/Bangladesh PM r
Netanyahu disbands war cabinet /Tucker Carlson Shares Details on Jack Ruby’s Sudden Death by Cancer After Being Visited By CIA /Biden Freezes as Obama Grabs His Arm and Leads Him Off Stage