6 months agoSooo...America, What Do You Wanna Talk About? | Episode #11 - The Dragon's Den PodcastEric Hopkins
8 months agoAuditor gets detained by police for filming planes taking off at airport and refusing to show IDPolice Ping
8 months agoDeputy tells co worker to "Shut Your GD Mouth" Sweaty off duty cop calls cops on lady filmingPolice Ping
8 months agoDC cop calls backup when citizen calls him out for illegally parking while he grabs a jelly rollPolice Ping
8 months agoWe're Wasting Taxpayer Time! South Bend police come out with bad attitudes and ignorance of the lawPolice Ping
8 months agoBully with a Badge! Olmos Park Texas police gang up on a group of 2A supporters causing injuriesPolice Ping
8 months agoFlashlight Freakout! Police officer in Colorado refuses to leave family alone, calls for backupPolice Ping