Boys Groomed to Expect Something Mystical, Visualisation Techniques with Siren Stories + Girls Taught How to Arouse the Boys But Not to Have Sex That Night
The Sacred Heart of Mary, Girls Either Enter the Breeder Program or They're Used for Sacrifice + The Seed of Cain, Godhood, Encouraged to Spread Their Seed As Much as Possible
Halloween and the History, Some Organized Halloween Events + Satan Himself Attends Certain Rituals + Magazine Covers, Communications About Rituals, Locations, Quadrants, Who Has to Attend etc.
The First Blasphemy, 1 of 5 Branches of the System, First Taught that They're Christian But Then Vocalise that God is not the Only God, Seed + Anderson Cooper is a High Priest in the Luciferian Brotherhood (and so was his Brother Carter)
The Heartbreaking Apathy of Christian Churches + A Change of Strategy is Required, Put Information Out into the Public Domain for All to See & Hear and Raise Awareness
The Girls Have Already Been Taught Foreplay Techniques, They Take it so Far Then Run Off into the Woods, The Boys Have to Find Them, Given a Code Word in case they get Lost + Desensitization Process, Jessie's Proctor and Sex Magick
Q & A: Was the Jab a Precursor to the Mark of the Beast? + Will One Third of the Population Be Gone Before the Anti-Christ Comes? + Baptism and the Holy Spirit
The Breeding Program, Babies are Cared for in a Hospital-like Setting, Children are Supplied for Sacrifice or for Sadistic Sexual Abuse + Efforts in Texas and Seattle to Combat Child Trafficking
Adrenochrome, Harvested from Elderly as well as Children, Kept Alive in Constant State of Fear While Blood is Drained + Comedowns, Withdrawals, Jessie's Proctor, Hillary Clinton, Murderous Rage, Some of What Jessie Witnessed Was Beyond a Horror Movie