1. Jesuit Control of the Dolan Family Empire : HBO, MSG Sports, AMC Networks, and Others (mirrored)

    Jesuit Control of the Dolan Family Empire : HBO, MSG Sports, AMC Networks, and Others (mirrored)

  2. Amazon Wants Your Palm and TSA Wants Your Face. What Saying Yes Will Mean ForThe Future

    Amazon Wants Your Palm and TSA Wants Your Face. What Saying Yes Will Mean ForThe Future

  3. Alt-right influencers are encouraging Trump's base to support this blasphemy.

    Alt-right influencers are encouraging Trump's base to support this blasphemy.

  4. Jesuit trained altar boy, Skull and Bonesman, John Kerry, praises his Master in Rome (mirrored)

    Jesuit trained altar boy, Skull and Bonesman, John Kerry, praises his Master in Rome (mirrored)

  5. CIA boss Leon Panetta : "I needed all of the Jesuit grace & blessing...to survive in Washington"

    CIA boss Leon Panetta : "I needed all of the Jesuit grace & blessing...to survive in Washington"

  6. Roman Catholic Church : A Safe Haven for Pedophiles (mirrored)

    Roman Catholic Church : A Safe Haven for Pedophiles (mirrored)

  7. European Monarchs Are Vatican Puppets --All Roads Lead to Rome (mirrored)

    European Monarchs Are Vatican Puppets --All Roads Lead to Rome (mirrored)

  8. Jesuit/Freemason S. Wozniak co-founder of Apple

    Jesuit/Freemason S. Wozniak co-founder of Apple

  9. Roman Catholic and Jesuit Puppet Stephen Colbert : The V A Double X - Scene (mirrored)

    Roman Catholic and Jesuit Puppet Stephen Colbert : The V A Double X - Scene (mirrored)

  10. Evangelical Pastor Rick Warren : Agent of Rome (mirrored)

    Evangelical Pastor Rick Warren : Agent of Rome (mirrored)

  11. Jesuit trained Kevin Alloca : Head of Culture & Trends at YouTube (mirrored)

    Jesuit trained Kevin Alloca : Head of Culture & Trends at YouTube (mirrored)
