Steve Jobs | “Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it’s worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains.” - (Co-Founder of Apple) + Scaling 101
Eric Trump | "I Can't Tell You How Hard This Guy (Clay Clark) Has Worked. Clay Clark Is the Hardest Working, Nicest Guy Who Has Gone All Across the Country In Places You Wouldn't Believe. We Love You!" - Eric Trump (10/18/24)
Business Podcast | "The Fish Don't Just Jump In the Boat. You Better Go Out There & Do It Yourself. Go Do Some Work." - Tom Brady + Interview with Best-Selling Author Jon Gordan On How to Create Traction In Your Life
Clay Clark Client Case Study | "It (Coaching) Has Had a Huge Difference! Old Ways of Marketing Were Not Working Anymore. I Learned How to Track. The System Definitely Works!" - Dr. Stephanie Crise | | “I went to a small private liberal arts college & I didn’t learn linear workflows, I learned stuff I haven’t been using for the last 9 years. So what they are teaching here is actually way better than what I got at business school