1 month agoThe Holy Spirit can guide YOU through these DANGEROUS times by the POWER of the WORD of GOD!drock5690
2 months agoThe Message that the LORD Jesus has entrusted YOU with is not in vain, but in proclaiming the Truth!drock5690
3 months agoWhat are some of the purposes that the LORD has revealed to You or spoken over your life?drock5690
2 months agoAll of the past achievements mean nothing in comparison to knowing personally the LORD Jesus!drock5690
1 month agoYou are QUALIFIED by your FAITH in the LORD Jesus to use the Gifts that He placed inside of YOU!drock5690
1 month agoThe LORD is PATIENT fulfilling a Promise he put in YOU, because you need endurance to walk into it!drock5690
1 month agoStudy the Word of God to prove to him that he can Use YOU, and avoid worldly chatter!drock5690
2 months agoJesus became obedient to the point of death, so that we could serve and worship him!drock5690
1 month agoThe Old System of the Biblical Law is Obsolete, because a new one is greater JESUS lives inside YOU!drock5690
1 month agoThe LOVE that YOU extend to others can entertain the Kingdom of Heaven wherever you are!drock5690
1 month agoFaith gives YOU, God's strength and ability, to fulfill the promise God has put in your heart!drock5690
1 month agoDo not forget your leaders teachings, because they will CONTINUE to keep YOU on course with JESUS!drock5690
1 month agoThe RICH will be judged by the LORD, if they neglect, and refuse to help the POOR!drock5690
1 month agoThe LORD Jesus is our example when others mistreat us, and who to go when YOU need healing!drock5690
2 months agoThe LORD will show MERCY on WHOEVER He chooses, regardless of how BAD You messed it Up!drock5690
2 months agoDid YOU know others will mention You in their prayers, because your prayers were answered?drock5690
1 month agoThe Conduct of Certain People will prove we are living in DANGEROUS Times according to the Bible!drock5690
1 month agoDo not get distracted and remain CALM continuing to do the work that the LORD has shown YOU!drock5690
1 month agoSpeak the MESSAGE the LORD has given YOU, because the TRUTH is what others need to HEAR from You!drock5690
2 months agoThe Gathering of the Remnant thru PRAYER & FASTING will END an attack of the enemy over this nation!drock5690