3 months agoTERRIFYING ENCOUNTERS WITH THE IMPOSSIBLE! - Saturday Live Show! - Ghosts, Creatures, UFOs and MORE!Paranormal Portal
4 months agoTHE TERROR LIVES! - Wednesday Live Show! - Ghosts, Creatures, UFOs and MORE!Paranormal Portal
4 months agoTHE NIGHTMARE LIVES! - Friday Live Show! - Ghosts, Creatures, UFOs and MORE!Paranormal Portal
4 months agoCREATURES FROM NIGHTMARES! - Wednesday Live Show! - Ghosts, Creatures, UFOs and MORE!Paranormal Portal
3 months agoTHE THANKSGIVING TERRORS! - Wednesday Live Show! - Ghosts, Creatures, UFOs and MORE!Paranormal Portal
3 months agoTHE BEINGS FROM THE STARS! - Friday Live Show! - Ghosts, Creatures, UFOs and MORE!Paranormal Portal
4 months agoINTO THE GREAT UNKNOWN! - Wednesday Live Show! - Ghosts, Creatures, UFOs and MORE!Paranormal Portal
3 months agoTHE STUFF OF NIGHTMARES! - Wednesday Live Show! - Ghosts, Creatures, UFOs and MORE!Paranormal Portal
4 months agoTHE DAY OF THE DEAD! - Friday Live Show! - Ghosts, Creatures, UFOs and MORE!Paranormal Portal
3 months agoTHEY COME FROM THE DARK PLACES! - Wednesday Live Show! - Ghosts, Creatures, UFOs and MORE!Paranormal Portal
4 months agoTHEY LIE IN THE DARK PLACES! - Saturday Live Show! - Ghosts, Creatures, UFOs and MORE!Paranormal Portal
2 months agoTHE OPENED DOOR! - Wednesday Live Show! - Ghosts, Creatures, UFOs and MORE!Paranormal Portal
4 months agoTHE CREATURES THAT STALK US! - Saturday Live Show! - Ghosts, Creatures, UFOs and MORE!Paranormal Portal
1 year agoTERRIFYING ENCOUNTERS! -Friday Live Show! - Ghosts, Creatures, UFOs and MORE!Paranormal Portal
11 months agoTHE UNKNOWN PRESENCE! -Wednesday Live Show! - Ghosts, Creatures, UFOs and MORE!Paranormal Portal
11 months agoTHEY LINGER IN DARKNESS! -Wednesday Live Show! - Ghosts, Creatures, UFOs and MORE!Paranormal Portal
10 months agoTHE SHADOWS COME ALIVE! - Wednesday Live Show! - Ghosts, Creatures, UFOs and MORE!Paranormal Portal
1 year agoTHE TERRIFYING TRUTH! -Wednesday Live Show! - Ghosts, Creatures, UFOs and MORE!Paranormal Portal
10 months agoFACING THE FEARS! - Friday Live Show! - Ghosts, Creatures, UFOs and MORE!Paranormal Portal
9 months agoCONFRONTING THE FEAR! - Saturday Live Show! - Ghosts, Creatures, UFOs and MORE!Paranormal Portal
10 months agoTHEY PREY UPON US! - Saturday Live Show! - Ghosts, Creatures, UFOs and MORE!Paranormal Portal
11 months agoTHE HORRIFYING TRUTH! -Wednesday Live Show! - Ghosts, Creatures, UFOs and MORE!Paranormal Portal
9 months agoUNVEILING THE HORRORS! - Wednesday Live Show! - Ghosts, Creatures, UFOs and MORE!Paranormal Portal
9 months agoTorment From The Darkness! - Friday Live Show! - Ghosts, Creatures, UFOs and MORE!Paranormal Portal