"Trump Was Right." - Jake Tapper (CNN) | "Hunter Biden Admitted In Court In July That He Was In Fact Paid Substantial Sums from Chinese Companies. This Directly Goes Against What Joe Biden Said In the Debates In 2020 With Donald Trump."
The Mitch Glitch | This Song Is Dedicated to General Flynn & Every Other America That Has a Sound Mind And Is Asking, What the Hell Is Going On Inside the Minds of Joe Biden & Mitch McConnell!!!
April 8th 2024 | What's Going On?!! The April 8th Eclipse, CERN April 8th, 322, Moscow Attack, Obama, ISIS, CIA, CBDCs, Diddy, Resurrection of Jesus Christ & Why Are Pastors Preying On America?! w/ Jason Bermas & Pastor Benjamin
Stephen Colbert | On 1st 2012, Why Did Stephen Colbert Do a Comedy Skit On Late Night TV Where He Pretended to Sacrifice a New Born Baby to a Demon Entity? Alex Jones: What Is Bohemian Grove & Why Do Presidents Go There?
Artificial Intelligence | Sam Altman | Push the Reset Button | Artificial Intelligence | "We Are Going to Have An Opportunity to Push the RESET Button And Think About the World We Want And I Think Universal Basic Income Is a Big Part of That."
Mark of the Beast | Using Chips In the Hand to Pay for Things? What Is Walletmor? "What Is CBDC Going to Look Like? It Will Be Implanted UNDER YOUR SKIN." - Professor Richard Werner