1. Huge Number of Bees! Honey Mass Production Process

    Huge Number of Bees! Honey Mass Production Process

  2. Banana Split - Following your advice. Splitting the yellow flowhive again. Too Many bees.

    Banana Split - Following your advice. Splitting the yellow flowhive again. Too Many bees.

  3. 7 Health Benefits of Manuka Honey: From Skin Care to Digestion

    7 Health Benefits of Manuka Honey: From Skin Care to Digestion

  4. Unveiling the Secrets of Expensive Honey

    Unveiling the Secrets of Expensive Honey

  5. Seek and Destroy - Full inspection of the RED hive. Time to pinch the queen!

    Seek and Destroy - Full inspection of the RED hive. Time to pinch the queen!

  6. Carniolan Bees versus Italian Bees: Which Bee is Right for Your Apiary?

    Carniolan Bees versus Italian Bees: Which Bee is Right for Your Apiary?

  7. HIDE YOUR FOOD. You Better Be Prepared. | Secret Homestead of Survival | MMNP Farm Series S1 E4

    HIDE YOUR FOOD. You Better Be Prepared. | Secret Homestead of Survival | MMNP Farm Series S1 E4

  8. Beehive and Varroa Inspection - PT 2 of 2 looking for Varroa. Robbing #varroa #beehiveinspection

    Beehive and Varroa Inspection - PT 2 of 2 looking for Varroa. Robbing #varroa #beehiveinspection

  9. Moving the Teal and Pine hives to the new bee yard. Checking the splits and problem solving.

    Moving the Teal and Pine hives to the new bee yard. Checking the splits and problem solving.

  10. Honey Bee - All About Honey Bees: Fascinating Facts and Secrets of These Amazing Insects #honeybee

    Honey Bee - All About Honey Bees: Fascinating Facts and Secrets of These Amazing Insects #honeybee

  11. Beehive Feeding: Comparing Sugar Syrup, Honey, and sugar with anise. Feeding and robbing.

    Beehive Feeding: Comparing Sugar Syrup, Honey, and sugar with anise. Feeding and robbing.

  12. Bottling the Honey - Bottling the honey, adding labels, and boxing for sale. Honey glamor shots!

    Bottling the Honey - Bottling the honey, adding labels, and boxing for sale. Honey glamor shots!

  13. A Groovy New Pad: The apiary is expanding and the new bees need a place to stay. Beehive pad.

    A Groovy New Pad: The apiary is expanding and the new bees need a place to stay. Beehive pad.

  14. Stop Laying Workers. My solution to stop laying workers in the red hive. The End of Red Dawn.

    Stop Laying Workers. My solution to stop laying workers in the red hive. The End of Red Dawn.

  15. Two Queens in One Beehive? Is it possible to have two queens in one hive? It is in the green hive.

    Two Queens in One Beehive? Is it possible to have two queens in one hive? It is in the green hive.

  16. Not Again? The third swarm.Trying a trick to bring them down from the tree. Will it work?

    Not Again? The third swarm.Trying a trick to bring them down from the tree. Will it work?

  17. Raining Inside the Hive -- I failed to remove the corks while feeding sugar syrup. Yikes!

    Raining Inside the Hive -- I failed to remove the corks while feeding sugar syrup. Yikes!

  18. How to Stop a Swarm - Yellow hive tried to swarm but I shut them down. Thanks Frederick Dunn!

    How to Stop a Swarm - Yellow hive tried to swarm but I shut them down. Thanks Frederick Dunn!