1 year agoWoman giving birth to God doesnt make sense, Allah words are internal ! Joshua and abdooltrustinhim10
1 year agoMuslim always ask a question, Where jesus said I am GOD worship me | Prophet Paul explainstrustinhim10
1 year agoIf Allah is most merciful than why Mohammed is also most merciful - Ex muslim Ahmad and 2 muslimstrustinhim10
1 year agowhen jesus walk with satan who was the witness ? ahmad exmuslims explains bery welltrustinhim10
1 year agoHow long does it take for Jibril to bring one ayah from ALLAH ? ahmad exmuslim explanstrustinhim10
2 years agoAllah created Adam in his own image 60 cubic tall when allah himself 30 feet tall - Exmuslim Ahmadtrustinhim10
1 year agoAthiest is better than christian in this world - hot debate exmuslim ahmad and arabic - part 1trustinhim10
1 year agoMuslim man came for donation and see what happens? Arabic debate ex Muslim ahmadtrustinhim10
1 year agoListen what Malaysian man says about ex muslim Ahmad and zakir naik - ex muslim Ahmadtrustinhim10