Pfizer | "We Are Exploring, Why Don't We Just Mutate the Virus Ourselves? So We Could Preemptively Develop New Vaccines." - Jordan Trishton Walker, Pfizer Director of Research & Development Strategic Operations & mRNA Planning
The next Corona lie (LONG COVID) is exposed‼️ At the recent meeting of the official EU COVID Special Committee, I questioned the EU Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, Stella Kyriakides, and the Director of the European Medicines Agency (EMA)
mRNA | "Transhumanism, Is One of the Agendas of the World Economic Forum That's Not Hidden, That's Not a Conspiracy & They Talk About RNA Vaccines As An Entry Point. Opening That Space Ethically and Otherwise." - Doctor Malone
"Covid mRNA Vaccines Are Nothing More Than Bio-Nano Machines" "they are programmed and injected into the body" - Graphene-based Plasmonic Nano-Antenna for Terahertz Band Communication in Nanonetworks
Vaccines | "None of the Vaccines Are EVER Subjected to TRUE Placebo Trials. Wyeth (Now Pfizer) Went to the Reagan Administration In 1986, the Industry Convinced the President & Congress That Vaccines Are Unavoidably Unsafe." - RFK Jr.