8 months ago126_how to "show the text of a file cleanly in the terminal" with the "less" commandHowToBash
7 months ago170_how to "remove the write permission from the user permission set" with the "chmod" commandHowToBash
7 months ago169_how to "remove the execute permission from the user permission set" with the "chmod" commandHowToBash
7 months ago171_how to "add the write permission to the user permission set" with the "chmod" commandHowToBash
7 months ago172_how to "remove the read permission from the user permission set" with the "chmod" commandHowToBash
7 months ago173_how to "add the read permission to the user permission set" with the "chmod" commandHowToBash
8 months ago125_how to "show the text of a text file in the terminal" with the "cat" commandHowToBash