2 years agoO TSE E O GOLPE CONTRA O BRASIL - THE TSE AND THE COUP AGAINST BRAZIL - #BrazilWasStolenfenixconservadora
2 years ago#BrazilWasStolen Election Eleicao Eleicoes Brazil Auditoría Privado Sobre Anomalias en Miles de Maquinas de Votacion en BrasilAnonymousAR
2 years ago#BrazilWasStolen - A FRAUDE ELEITORAL BRASILEIRA DE 2022 - PARTE 2 - 06/11/2022fenixconservadora
2 years agoLive 2 - Audtoria Independente Eleições 2022 Brasil com Fernando CerimedoBrazil Was Stolen (Brasil Foi Roubado)
2 years agoPT Party activists protest, A general has a positive message, and a treat at the end!MickyD2
2 years agoBolso makes massive changes to his Cabinet, Musk suspends leftist accounts and more!MickyD2
2 years agoAn arrest warrent for De Moraes, Sabotage in the Foreign Ministry and more from Brazil!MickyD2
2 years agoBreaking! The Turtle tries to remove campers, Pres Plane returns, 2 fires in 24hrs and more.MickyD2
2 years agoFinal chess moves being played, CHECK MATE coming! Bolso disables the Turtle. Art 142 is near..MickyD2
2 years agoAnother False Flag by the criminal left. A Jan 6th 2021 repeat. Infiltration everywhere.MickyD2
2 years agoBRAZIL WAS STOLEN 🩸🇧🇷 | 🚨BREAKING: The Argentine Fernando Cerimedo exposes the entire Brazilian electoral process at the BR Senate hearing| Reports many inconsistencies in the electoral process, the vulnerability of electronic voting machinesASJSportTraining
2 years agoThe Squid vows to remove protesters, more military acquisitions, Protesters in Joinville attacked!MickyD2
2 years agoIs Impeachment on the table? Bolso swamped in Florida, and another chat with a protester.MickyD2
2 years agoSaturday night update on the protests in Joinville, Santa Catarina Brazil. 1000s here again!!MickyD2