3D is Going NOWHERE. It ETERNALLY Exists for Those Who Need That Gym-Like or School Reality. You CANNOT Raise its Vibration. It is YOU That Raises Vibration Which Reveals You’re Done with That School Reality, Thus Moving into Another [Higher] Reality.
4 Real and RECORDED Instances of Time Travel [and ET’s—or Future Humans]. | WE in 5D: Remember, This Does Not Mean Your Future is Fixed; it Just Means [That Particular Timeline with its Future] Exists.
THE HOPELESS SERIES—Despair is Beautiful Because the Opposite End of it’s Spectrum Exists, and is Only THAT MUCH MORE Accessible After Despair Because it is Then More Identifiable. “If I Ever Lose My Faith in You” by Sting.
Where is My Twin Flame? Why Do Twin Souls Exist? — May Be a Little Different Than What We Usually Think. And Maybe it's Now That You're Ready to Hear This.