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Roseanne Barr | CERN's July 5th Big Bang + EXPOSING Yuval Noah Harari + Special Guests Karen Kingston, Dr. Rashid Buttar, Laura Bartlett, Epoch Times, Jackson Lahmeyer, etc
PRIDE FLAG | Why Was the Rainbow Colored Pride Flag Was Created By Gilbert Barker In 1978 to Represent the Gay Community? "If Homosexuality Was Against Nature It Just Couldn't Exist...I Can Even Write a NEW BIBLE." - Yuval Noah Harari
Volodymyr Zelenskyy | Who Is Volodymyr Zelenskyy? Why Did Volodymyr Zelenskyy Name Marina Abramović As Ambassador to Ukraine? What Is the Connection Between Zelenskyy, Emmanuel Macron, Yuval Noah Harari & Marina Abramović?
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