Over Decades Millions Martyred in name of Jihad (not just ISIS)! Be Cautious with Main & Famous Christian Independent Media almost all can't recognize false prophets. Christians/Jews/Arab Christians/Others in Parts of Africa/Middle East. mirrored
Prophecy 94 - I, YAHUVEH, Say, Do Not Underestimate MY Anger for it's Been Building Up as a Raging Inferno. YAHUSHUA'S Bride (144,000) is in Gaza, Lebanon, Iraq, China!
Indepth Prophetic Revelations about The Bride of YAHUSHUA, The 144,000, Amightywind Prophecy Excerpts 98, 26, 21, 66. One cannot be the Bride without keeping the True Shabbat & Holy Days, rejecting the pagan days
Amightywind Prophecy 67, 84 Excerpts! Local Communities Say No Rationing! Run from Bureaucracies harming your Faith/Revelation's Coming Meteor Destruction/Pray Over All Food/Cloned Food/Vaccine Dangers
Worldwide fallen angels' powers in our faces. Survival, War v. Saints- Benny Hinn & many others destroyed millions. He was once human but no more. Beware fake revivals/conferences will get worse
Prophetic Dream "Governments Will Shutdown All Forms Of Communications!" In The Great Tribulation the fallen angels launch UFO invasion/Project Blue Beam/Military Brutality (mirrored)