4 years agoTony Katz Today: The Democrats Have Abandoned the Working Class for Elitists and Donald Trump HatersTony KatzVerified
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3 years agoRevealed:How Fauci, Daszak and Scientific Establishment Covered Up Lab Origin of Covid in Early 2020Bannons War RoomVerified
2 years agoTucker Carlson Reflects on Unearthed Video of D.C. Residents Humiliating Tony FauciVigilant FoxVerified
3 years agoNavarro: Fauci is 'the Father of the Virus' and Google Scrubbed it from the InternetBannons War RoomVerified
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3 years agoEpisode 1,698 - Anti Grooming Bill In Florida; The Financial Investigation On Tony FauciBannons War RoomVerified
10 months agoFauci rise to fame at the cost of millions of lives.The Real Dr. Judy A. MikovitsVerified
1 year agoTony Lyons: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. "Has A Very Strong Chance Of Becoming President!"Sunfellow On COVID-19
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