1 year ago624 - FOJC Radio - The Defense Of The Gospel - David Carrico 3-1-2024Followers of Jesus Christ Radio - FOJC RadioVerified
7 months agoStrategic Spiritual Warfare, Is It Biblical: A Look At Peter Wagner's Approach To Spiritual WarfareThe Remnant Radio
1 year ago586 - FOJC Radio - The Two Witnesses - David Carrico 6-9-2023Followers of Jesus Christ Radio - FOJC RadioVerified
1 year ago620 - FOJC Radio When God Hates Your Prayers - David Carrico 2-2-2024Followers of Jesus Christ Radio - FOJC RadioVerified
1 year ago622 - FOJC Radio - Conferring Not With Flesh & Blood - David Carrico 2-16-2024Followers of Jesus Christ Radio - FOJC RadioVerified
11 months ago625 - FOJC Radio - Closet Prayer - David Carrico 3-8-2024Followers of Jesus Christ Radio - FOJC RadioVerified
11 months ago627 - FOJC Radio - Eyes That Can See - David Carrico 3-22-2024Followers of Jesus Christ Radio - FOJC RadioVerified
1 year ago53- FOJC Radio SNL Is The Book Of Enoch ScriptureFollowers of Jesus Christ Radio - FOJC RadioVerified
1 year ago598 - FOJC Radio - Confirming The Covenant - David Carrico 9-1-2023Followers of Jesus Christ Radio - FOJC RadioVerified
1 year ago2 - September Prayerathon - FOJC Radio - 9-21-2023 (aired on Underground Church YouTube)Followers of Jesus Christ Radio - FOJC RadioVerified
1 year ago603 FOJC Radio On The Righteous Scarcely Being Saved David Carrico 10 6 2023Followers of Jesus Christ Radio - FOJC RadioVerified
1 year ago608 - FOJC Radio - Head Bone Connected To - David Carrico 11-10-2023Followers of Jesus Christ Radio - FOJC RadioVerified
1 year ago615 - FOJC Radio - Gods Glory Rising Upon Israel - David Carrico 12-29-2023Followers of Jesus Christ Radio - FOJC RadioVerified
2 years ago567 - FOJC Radio - The Deception Of The Watchers - with David Carrico 1-27-2023Followers of Jesus Christ Radio - FOJC RadioVerified
1 year ago592 - FOJC Radio - The First Church Of Ichabod - David Carrico 7-21-2023Followers of Jesus Christ Radio - FOJC RadioVerified
1 year agoFOJC Radio Special - Sam Garcia Testimony 2-6-2024Followers of Jesus Christ Radio - FOJC RadioVerified
1 year ago621 - FOJC Radio - Don't Dump In The Camp - David Carrico 2-9-2024Followers of Jesus Christ Radio - FOJC RadioVerified
1 year ago593 - FOJC Radio - Shaking The Foundations - David Carrico 7-28-2023Followers of Jesus Christ Radio - FOJC RadioVerified
1 year ago41- FOJC Radio SNLive-Back To The Future DecodedFollowers of Jesus Christ Radio - FOJC RadioVerified
2 years ago9 - FOJC Radio SNLive - Ancient Serpent Cult of the Ohio Valley - Brian Reece & Brett Graham 1-22-2023Followers of Jesus Christ Radio - FOJC RadioVerified